Welcome to the new issue

Hi everyone 👋🏽

Today's issue coincides with the king's speech (or should that be The King's Speech 🤷🏽‍♂️). In which it was announced that Scotland will the home for the new clean power-focused Great British Energy company, planning reform "will get Britain building" and the English Devolution Deal will be introduced to give new powers to metro mayors and combined authorities.

As well as all that, we bring you a swathe of news and updates on >> new gov priorities on energy and climate - how 10 retrofit projects are holding up 10 years on - buyers seek energy efficient homes and green mortgages - EPC reform insights - Octopus on bills for wind farm neighbours - new sustainable housing training hub in Redhill - scheme to help Greater Manchester youth into retrofit - new retrofit designer course launch - Chancellor's housebuilding speech - Ed Milliband's solar aims plus climate pledges to DSNEZ - Tesla cars scan our streets for building energy performance data (brilliant but a tad creepy?)

Yes, that's quite a range there! Read on, retrofitters...

Low Carbon Homes  

📰 News & Opinion

📅 Events

✍🏽 Government & Policy

👷🏽‍♀️👷🏽‍♂️ Skills and Training

🤩 Local/Regional Action

💬 Reports, Research, Guides

⏭ Coming up

That's it for this issue

Next issue out on 31 July. When we will have plenty more retrofit-related news and action updates for you. And perhaps even some summer-like weather is happening where you are.

Thanks for reading. It's always great to have you with us.

PS: don't forget to sign up for something - it's all free and very worthwhile: * Gtr Manchester Retrofit Summit * The Home Upgrade Show * GMACS/RAW employer activities for retrofit careers

Low Carbon Homes